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NOX Meets: SuperGlu

By Beth Cruse

Photographer:  Hannah Nicholson-Tottle                       Location:  Latitude Festival 2017

SuperGlu, made up of Krista Lynch, Ben Ward and brothers Ben and Alex Brown, formed in 2014 and have risen to fame ever since, “managing punk with a smile”.  Having seen them all over the summer festival scene this year, we caught up with Krista to ask her a few questions on their experiences as a band so far as one of BBC’s Introducing finest.



There are so many talented bands on the rise which makes it super hard to make a mark on the music industry, but you guys have an incredibly unique sound and manage to bring a refreshing, raw creative energy to the stage whenever you perform live.


A  Yeah! Loads of people have asked where this energy comes from. Honestly, it stems from sitting in the car and driving all around the UK for hours on end… un-picking each other’s minds… a really bad sense of collective humour and smells. By the time you’re out of the car, you’re ready to go.



You guys definitely seem to take inspiration from your own experiences as a group, and seem to have a lot of fun together! You guys are a colourful pop-come-punk band, you can’t really be compared to many other bands out there at the moment, but would you say there are any bands you look up to or have taken inspiration from?


We’re all into pretty different music – so if we’ve used any other bands to inspire us it’s probably subconsciously rather than an active pursuit. I can’t speak for other members of the band but personally I’m really into The Big Moon at the moment. It’s fantastic to see how much they’ve achieved in such a short amount of time! But yes, inspiration…it comes from everything around us rather than one particular thing. It could be the way the next door neighbour revs his motorbike at 6am each day, or something you overhear a stranger say and it sticks in your mind all day.



You guys have been playing popular music festivals all summer, from Latitude and Boardmasters to SWSX in Texas. Could you say which have been your most memorable? Are there any you can recommend to new festival goers?


This years Latitude was out of this world – it’s always a stand out show for myself as I remember going to the festival as a teen and being so inspired by the musical acts.. and now to be one of those acts it’s pretty weirdly cool. Everyone knew all the words to our songs. Was so surreal. Playing twice was great as well – the 1am slot on Sunday morning went down well especially! Latitude is great as despite its small size there is so so much to do – not just music but poetry and dance. It’s super laid back as well and has a real mix of different ages – there’s something for everyone.)



NOX features, and will continue to feature, interviews from talented up and coming Welsh bands such as Bandicoot and Upbeat Sneakers, is there any advice you’d give yourselves if you were just starting up in the industry again?


A  Best advice is not to be too hard on yourself. Due to the rise in social media – everyone in a band looks as if they’re succeeding. Don’t compare yourselves to others and enjoy it. If you stop enjoying yourself then maybe reconsider why you’re doing it.



How have you found your journey so far, what’s been the hardest bit?


Our journey so far has been amazing, out of this world. The hardest bit is struggling to hold day jobs, pay rent and accept every gig you’re offered. You have to realise sometimes that’s not possible.



Are you guys currently touring, if so where can we watch you next??


We are taking some time off touring to finish our EP but we do have a special live date in London, December.. to do with BBC Introducing hint hint … but we aren’t able to release an actual date yet.



Be sure to check out the Essex bands latest edition to their Communion Singles Club ‘Welcome Home’ linked below.


NOX is excited to see where Superglu will go next, they’re definitely one to watch! 

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