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Gwreiddiau 002

Dali Mia Poulsom || Photographer

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Introduce yourself…


I’m Dali Mia Poulsom, and I’m a music photographer and photojournalism student based in Cardiff. 


What is your hometown to you? What was your experience growing up there?


My hometown is Pontypool in South Wales. One thing that stood out to me growing up there was how close and community-based people are. Everyone knows each other and it’s lovely having a small town where you can know people for certain things if you’re in need. Also, the passion some of the people there have on the outskirts and further out of Pontypool. Most significantly, those associated with music as there is a lot of support and interest in live bands and classic pub culture. 


How has Pontypool influenced or shaped your work?


I think people's spirit is what's shaped me into the individual I've become. Everyone is pretty much as outgoing and friendly as they can be,  they keep themselves and their family tight and work hard at what they do. That's what inspires me anyway. Especially those morals surrounding my family, I think looking after those around you is very much taught in Pontypool, and makes me enjoy going back there so much more. 


What do you know about your hometown’s artistic/musical history, and does it resonate with you?


Pontypool has this great traditional feel to it as a Welsh town, from the friendly greetings in the street, again highlighting that sense of community, to pub culture and that traditional Sunday ritual of church and roast dinner. There's great railway and mining history too that you can read about in the local museum, which is an endearing little place in the middle of the towns park. 


Do you find shooting in Pontypool feels different to shooting elsewhere?


Pontypool feels different to shoot compared to city-based locations for sure. People aren't as used to it, and they question it because I suppose there aren’t as many people studying or willing to shoot publicly like so many are in cities like Cardiff.


It’s intimidating sometimes as some people do find it so unusual and can get embarrassed, but people are interested and if they don’t ask, talking about why I'm taking the photo always gets them chatting.  


Is there something you see or feel from Pontypool that you look for when shooting other subjects?


I’m always looking for spirit, and people coming together when I shoot. Mainly I shoot bands and when there's always a connection there or a closeness I try to capture. I think relationships and emotions are important with bands. When those relationships and emotions are captured in a shot, my photos become real and effective.


Finally, what about your hometown would you want to capture in a project or photo series that you’d want to show to the world?


If I were to capture Pontypool in a photography project, I think I would aim to capture the market culture and scenery in Pontypool town. On a busy Wednesday or Saturday when it's still a tradition for locals to go out and visit those places, like so many have done for generations.


By Hannnah Nicholson-Tottle

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